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Youth Art Competition

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Jun / 18 / 2024




May / 18 / 2024


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2022 喜福會萬聖節變裝餐會

2022 The Joy Luck Club

Halloween Costume Dinner Party



2022 Mother's Day Celebration Event


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母親節的獻禮 - 妍心MDSUN     

A Mother's Day Tribute - 妍心MDSUN 

Dr. Sun's Online Lecture 


Dr. George Sun

孫博士是全美少數擁有耳鼻喉頭頸外科及顏面整型外科雙博士認 證的醫師。 孫博士於 UCLA 加州大學完成生物化學系榮譽學位,並取得USC 美國南加州大學醫學博士學位。在 1997 年,於美國南加州開設 了Advanced Aesthetics Center 整型美容中心,是南加州最具權 威及名望的整型美容中心。

Dr. Sun is one of the few physicians in the United States who is double board-certified in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Dr. Sun earned his undergraduate degree in Biochemistry with honors from UCLA, and his medical degree from USC. In 1997, he founded Advanced Aesthetics Center, the most authoritative and prestigious plastic surgery center in Southern California.




"Illustrations of Stories of Chinese Culture"

Youth Art Competition


The Chinese culture has a long and rich history. In the past decade, cultural exchanges among Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have been frequent and active, resulting in unprecedented changes and achievements. The Chinese people take great pride in this. Overseas Chinese cherish this hard-won achievement and are willing to work together to promote the profound and vast Chinese culture and build a beautiful home for the prosperity, well-being, and happiness of the Chinese nation. Together, we can contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Dr. Kungshin Chou

周功鑫,法國巴黎第四大學藝術史暨考古博士。曾任國立故宮博物院院 長(2008.5—2012.7)、輔仁大學博物館學研究所創所所長(2002— 2008)。服務國立故宮博物院及擔任院長期間,曾創設各項教育推廣活動 與志工團隊,並推動多項國際與海峽兩岸重量級展覽與學術研討活動, 其中「山水合璧── 黃公望與富春山居圖特展」(2011),榮獲英國倫 敦Art Newspaper 所評全球最佳展覽第三名,及國立故宮博物院被評為全 球最受歡迎博物館第七名。由於周教授在文化推動方面的卓越貢獻,先 後獲法國文化部頒贈藝術與文化騎士勳章(1998)、教皇本篤十六世頒贈 銀牌勳章及獎狀(2007)、法國總統頒贈榮譽軍團勳章(2011)及中華文 化促進會頒贈「2015 中華文化人物」等殊榮。

Dr.Kungshin Chou is a Ph.D. in Art History and Archaeology from the University of Paris IV, France. She served as the Director of the National Palace Museum (2008.5-2012.7) and the founding director of the Museum Studies Institute at Fu Jen Catholic University (2002-2008). During her tenure at the National Palace Museum, Dr. Chou established various educational and volunteer activities and promoted numerous international and cross-strait exhibitions and academic symposiums. Among them, the "Perfect Confluence of Landscape and Figure: Huang Gongwang and Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" exhibition (2011) was awarded the third place for the Best Global Exhibition by the London Art Newspaper and the National Palace Museum was ranked as the seventh most popular museum in the world. Due to Dr. Chou's outstanding contributions to cultural promotion, she has been awarded various honors such as the French Order of Arts and Letters (1998), the Silver Medal and Certificate of Honor from Pope Benedict XVI (2007), the Legion of Honour from the President of France (2011), and the "2015 Chinese Cultural Figure" award from the Chinese Cultural Promotion Society.



Writing with Pen

『 改變歷史的一九四九』Convergence 1949~2019​


『Changing History in 1949』Essay Contest in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of China

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黎氏文脈萬古流芳, 黎錦揚大師紀念會

"A Tribute to Master Li Jinyang: Perpetuating the Enduring Legacy of the Li Family's Cultural Heritage"

黎錦陽 先生 Mr. C.Y.Lee


​​Famed author C.Y. Lee is the first Chinese-American best-selling Author in U.S. history. In the early 1950, Lee wrote Flower Drum Song, a novel which Rodgers and Hammerstein adapted into a Broadway musical in 1958. Mr. Lee has written 11 novels and various short stories throughout his career. 

2002 - 2017


·  “希望在青年”新年聯誼會

"Hope in Youth" New Year's Gathering

·  萬千里路雲和月 陳香梅女士紀念會

Thousands of Miles, Clouds and Moon: Memorial for Ms. Chen Xiangmei


·  全球傑出華裔美籍藝術家榮耀盛典

Global Outstanding Chinese American Artists' Grand Ceremony

·  萬聖節化妝舞會 及 聖誕節無聲拍賣會

Halloween Costume Party and Silent Auction for Christmas


·  文學泰斗 黎錦揚破百大壽儀式

Ceremony for Celebrating the 100th Birthday of the Literary Giant Li Jinyang

·  英文舞臺劇 新疆來客(黎錦揚、professor Swan Chang共同編劇),與美國加州州立大學合作

English Stage Play "Visitors from Xinjiang" (co-written by Li Jinyang and Professor Swan Chang), in collaboration with California State University

·  希望在青年 北京民族實驗高中同學來訪

Visit from Beijing Ethnic Experimental High School classmates for "Hope in Youth"

·  萬聖節化妝舞會 及 聖誕節無聲拍賣會

Halloween Costume Party and Silent Auction for Christmas


·  開路先鋒 華人修建鐵路電影劇本與北京電影公司簽約儀式

Signing Ceremony for the Film Script of Chinese Railroad Builders with Beijing Film Company

·  Unsung Heroes 再見飛虎隊

Unsung Heroes: Farewell to the Flying Tigers


· 香梅雅宴

An Evening With Anna Chennault

·  萬聖節化妝舞會 及 聖誕節無聲拍賣會

Halloween Costume Party and Silent Auction for Christmas


·  交通部長Ray Lahood 特別貴賓演講

Special Guest Speech by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood

·  萬聖節化妝舞會 及 聖誕節無聲拍賣會

Halloween Costume Party and Silent Auction for Christmas


·  每月最後一個星期四邀請政府官員專業人士共進午餐,演講座談交流

Monthly Luncheon Inviting Government Officials and Professionals for Speeches and Discussions on the Last Thursday of Each Month

·  創立 The Joy Luck Club 大會,來自不同國家的會員美國、中國、台灣、黎巴嫩、泰國、香港、越南、韓國、馬來西亞、埃及、希臘⋯。

Founding of The Joy Luck Club with members from different countries including the United States, China, Taiwan, Lebanon, Thailand, Hong Kong, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Egypt, Greece, etc.




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